Monday, May 7, 2012

Wet Cellphones

Just thought of something when my fiancees phone went through the wash... Why hasn't someone invented an app that completely shuts off an electronic device when it comes in contact with water? It seems like a relatively necessary piece of technology. For example, say you were far far away from any pay phones, or gas stations, and your phone falls into a puddle. Doesn't it seem a little unnecessary that because of that small drop the phone would be most likely permanently damaged? I mean come on, I really wish someone would just invent that thing.

Anyway, i know thats a little weird but meh, I guess this was more of a mini-rant/wishful thinking.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New direction

So, I've decided to make this more of a tech/nerd blog. It was pretty much already there but I figured I'd make it official with this post. That and I will be reviewing what little of Young Justice I actually have seen. I will start by saying there may be anime, comic book, doctor who, and game posts. I am aware at least one of each of these has already shown up at one time or another but if anyone reads this, expect more of that and less of me trying to feel like I am smart by calling this blog a tech blog.

Moving on to Young Justice, I have watched the first two episodes and a few much further down the line and I have to say I am impressed. It might not take much to impress me but I like the whole idea of all of the super heroes coming under one roof. It usually makes for more epic battles with larger, more dangerous baddies. The first two episodes, as one would expect, is an introduction to the general story line and shows you what you can expect from the series. After watching the first two all I could think was the ideas of Teen Titans paired with the animation and story telling of Justice League and Justice League: Unlimited. Myself, I am a fan of both of those series and naturally became a fan of this one, my only complaint being that there are not enough episodes on demand and the show airs something like once a week between 8am and 9am. I really feel like Cartoon Network did not fill their claim of having DC programming as much as they advertised, as far as I know they only grabbed two shows and they are almost never on. Green Lantern was brought up thanks to the movie that came out, the series itself is okay but I would have preferred something more two dimensional I guess, more like a comic book animation style. The fact of the matter is I was thinking Cartoon Network might start going the way of the teen crowd who still liked watching cartoons, like Toonami used to be. My dreams were crushed when DC Nation started and shortly after everyone short of the very early morning shift workers were awake.

If you manage to actually catch Green Lantern or Young Justice while they are on, I would suggest giving only Young Justice a try. There was a love story near the beginning of Green Lantern that the writers seemed to be avoiding like the plague since the main character went into space to see what was destroying the exploratory Green Lanterns. Young Justice seems like it might be better written, and hopefully will be getting a better time slot so more people can watch. Until next time this was your geeky friend living on the internets.

Some fun new finds in Pokemon

A while ago I came across a program called poke-save, it allowed full manipulation of a Pokemon's moves, ability, stats, level, and any other possible trait a Pokemon possesses. The only issue for me was that I couldn't find a way to transfer these Pokemon onto the official copies of the game that I possessed.... That is until now, a few days ago I came across a site that lets me transfer through the global trade station in the games, any Pokemon that you could think of made through poke-save. I honestly only got the Pokemon that are impossible to see without being present at most events, which I as a poor man was not. I just recently even started to get Pokemon from a borrowed Sapphire version sent up to my White version.

Anyway without getting off track any further, the site works great and gives instructions on how to make the site work if you do some looking. There is an instructions page that I figured was unimportant but if you use the site it is so very important... Also, if you are curious as to what the site is called it's As I said it pretty much works without problems, just remember to only transfer Pokemon one at a time. It just changes the Pokemon being transferred if you don't pick up the first one.

This site allows people to get Pokemon previously unavailable due to missing events, or non-existence in games you or your friends have. Say you really like Celebi or Jirachi but just have never gotten to one of the events on time, just go to the site, follow the instructions, and click on the desired pokemon.

I wish there was more to say but this site pretty much speaks for itself, it is even trying to get the system working for the newest games. That's pretty much all for this post, if you have a Pokemon game, but not enough time to track down all of the events, just use this site and all will go over smoothly.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Copyright Math and Other Things

So recently I've heard of copyright math and the absurdity of the fines that go with it. For example the fine for only one instance of copyright infringement is $150,000 and no that isn't supposed to be a decimal point. Imagine if all parts of life did that with their product, you take a picture of a wedding dress from a designer, oops that's $10,000 in stolen goods right there. What if they started doing this with leaks from tech companies, what if simply seeing news that was supposed to be kept secret became a $5,000 offence. I'm just saying this doesn't seem like its going to end well, and I'm hoping that Google (including YouTube), Facebook, Firefox, and some of the other big name sites go dark in protest of whats coming next.

It turns out that the big ISP's have decided to spy on our activity starting July 12th, and will turn of or slow down the connection for those they find to be infringing on copyrights. Now, I wish I knew what they planned on using for criteria and how they plan on making sure that it was payed for or not, but that's just how its going. That's what scares me the most though, the criteria... Will they be shutting down connections for people who have high download rates, or do they have a far more sophisticated way of sifting through all of the downloads for each person. Here's hoping they don't shut down people who use iTunes or play online multi-player games a lot.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chronicle: Over thought, or under appreciated?

So, the most recent movie I went to see was Chronicle. I was honestly really excited about it finally coming out, considering I first heard about it one to three months before it was in theaters. Point being it was much better than I had originally thought it would be, keep in mind I try to keep my expectations low when I walk into a theater. Point being the camera work was good, the story was okay and seemed more believable than other movies I have gone to see. If you haven't read a small description of Chronicle, its a movie about three friends who find something strange in a sinkhole/cave and decide to investigate. It is very unclear at what happened next but whatever happened gave these boys telekinetic power. There was only one problem... One of the boys was disturbed from living in an abusive household and started to use his powers whenever he wanted, breaking the rules that the boys had set up to protect others. The rest Ill leave up to you if you want to see, but as for me the movie gave life to the villain, and made the possibility of something similar to it happening believable. I would have to give this movie a 4/5 for uniqueness and emotion. I definitely recommend it to anyone who like a little non-romantic drama with their action movie.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Watch: The One

So, I am now going to review a movie that I thought started as a made for TV low budget action flick... You know what that makes it sound horrible... Okay so the main character played by Jet Li is in a world where multiple universes or the multi-verse exists, you with me so far? anyway so one of his alternate selves that works for the multi-verse police, who are in charge of keeping balance throughout the multi-verse starts killing off the other hims and so on and so forth till there's only one left... Even I think this is hard to understand while I'm typing it. Anyway point being I don't plan on ruining anymore of this movie. I thought it was pretty good, some nice action scenes, no sparkley vampires, no unexplained storms when the Hulk gets sad. My only real issue is why the main bady didn't just kill everyone off who got in his way, he was basically as strong as superman.... Couldn't he have... Oh I dunno, punched someones head off and just walked off? I dunno maybe I'm looking too much into this. The better parts, or what I thought were the better parts, is that they explained why they were able to travel in between universes and had the effects timed perfectly. All in all its not horrible and plays a bit on FX and other networks, just check the guide really. If it sounds like something you'd be really interested in than see if you can buy it, I would assume you'd be able to for cheap anyway. So I hope you enjoyed the confusing read, at least it wasn't as confusing as Inception.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Time War (non-tech post)

This is to warn anyone that I will be forced to use possibly unreliable fan sources for information on this paper. Considering the topic I have chosen is completely from fiction, this is why I will have to rely on the fan base for any and all information that will be within.

I have chosen the Time War, as a topic. However, if the information is not available or has never been available I will be forced to change my topic to something more in the realm of possibility.

One of the thought causes of the Time War, was when the fourth Doctor was sent back through time by the Time Lord Ferain in order to alter the Daleks or destroy them completely.

The main after affect was the total annihilation of many worlds and species along with almost all of the time lords and Daleks that the world would ever see, except for a few survivors that is. With these survivors, you see what the Doctor Who series has today. Only two Time Lords, a handful of Daleks, and scarcely any other species that were destroyed by the moment.

All I could find is what happened before and after the time war, all of the rest of the information was either implied or simply not there. Most of the time war is terribly unclear, only glimpses of what has happened are shown to the viewer, reader, or listener. Why this is, I do not know. I only wish the writers would find some way to explore this rather large plot device we have not been allowed to see. It’s almost as if the time war is hidden behind a “Do Not Enter!” sign that will not be lifted any time soon.

But anyway this is a short piece I decided to do, not knowing what I would find. Since I could not find most of the required information I have decided to keep this topic up to the future writers of the series, and hope that it was not lost with the old.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

FIRST! (new review): Time to escape the Fallout

So, I know its an old game but I still love it. It won game of the year in 2008 and is a game I think still holds up, today I will be reviewing Fallout 3! This game won because of its openness, the story telling, the dlc (downloadable content), the way it is played, and well... the VIOLENCE! In all seriousness though, this game can be anything you want, as long as your willing to protect yourself. You could just horde things and sell them, kill anyone who gets in your way no matter what, be essentially a white night, or just blaze through the rather large story and the dlc stories that are fairly cheap to buy now anyway. There are downsides however, I mean when are their not. The V.A.T.S system allows auto-aiming, which while being a good thing also takes you out of the zone, it just breaks the immersiveness for me. Than theirs the NPC's everywhere, it  would be awfully lonely without them, and sometimes they have interesting conversations with each other, but as with Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, they repeat themselves a lot. Even the radio stations are stuck on repeat, so I generally stick to the Enclave station so while I blow peoples heads up its to patriotic music. I dunno, seems more fun I guess. Anyway, one of the points of interest is visiting all of the other Vaults that are scattered around the map, while they are hard to find, they are usually worth a look if you like some darkness added to your story. Most of them make you feel lucky to have started in such a normal Vault. You can even visit the Vault company base, which has a computer with descriptions and instructions for all of the Vaults on the map. I won't spoil whats in each of them, but lets just say you are going to be happy the worst you had was a crazy leader. This game has been a favorite of mine since I first laid my hands on it, the comedy, tragedy, story, and violence of this post apocalyptic world are truly addicting. Where no game is perfect, this game is decent, I would most definitely recommend this to anyone who is low on cash, but has either an X-Box 360, PC, and I believe its also for PS3. If you think my small article sounds like something you would be interested in, it runs around 20 dollars now, and is simple to get into. My rating will be 4.5 exploded pants out of 5.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Blog!

Figured I might as well make a separate blog for my reviews on tech and gaming so here it is! I am really hoping to get some requests of things to review, and hoping its something that I know about. If not I'll just need to research, and I have no problems with that. You can post a tech or game related question, or ask me to review something (cheap or free programs preferably). Either way I'll try to make one new post here a week and if it gets hits than I will continue. So, until I post again, farewell and good luck!

Oh and I forgot to mention, if this is the first post of mine you have read this is a link to my other posts, some good tech stuff there but that's just my opinion.